Our Mission

The Lone Lake Property Owners Association is very active protecting the natural and aquatic environments of the lake. LLPOA also sponsors many events, programs, and committees to involve the Lone Lake community. This 433-acre lake is nestled in scenic pine and birch and has water clarity of twenty-eight feet with sandy beaches. Water depth runs to sixty-two feet in several places on the lake with a variety of both pan and game fish. We are active today to preserve the natural and aquatic environment for tomorrow.

Resources (from MN & Aitkin County sources)

Minnesota Boat Guide | 2024

Aitkin County Shoreland Homeowner’s Guide to Lake Stewardship

Healthy Water Initiative | University of Minnesota

Own your wake | Minnetonka Conservation District


Minnesota DNR map | Lake Link website

2025 Board of directors

The board of directors is a group of lake owners who volunteer their time and skills for the betterment of Lone Lake. If you are interested in participating, we are always looking for fresh ideas and faces! Contact us at lonelakepoa@gmail.com to join us!

What We've Achieved

  • In March 2005 the Lone Lake Association was invited to participate in the Initiative Foundation’s Healthy Lakes and Rivers Partnership program along with seven other Lake Associations in Itasca and Aitkin Counties. Under the coordination of Art Norton (Itasca County Soil & Water Conservation District) and Steven Hughes (Aitkin County Soil and Water Conservation District) representatives of each group attended two days of training on strategic planning, communication, and nonprofit group leadership.

  • In July 2008, the Minnesota Waters conservation group named Lone Lake Property Owners Association the Minnesota Lake Association of the Year.