County shares results from AIS inspections


Lone Lake was one of fourteen lakes participating in the Aitkin County Aquatic Invasive Species inspection program this year.  The lakes included Big Pine, Big Sandy, Cedar, Clear, Farm Island, Hill, Lone, Long, Minnewawa, Ripple, Round (Haz), Spirit, Sugar and Wilkins. Of all county lakes, Lone Lake was the 9th in the number of the total inspections conducted with no significant issues. In 2018, LLPOA will apply for a county grant to assist us with inspections.  Your responses on our member survey will help us determine if we continue with volunteer inspections or have the county do all inspections at the launch.

Thanks go to all the volunteer inspectors who inspected over Memorial Weekend to help us with the in-kind goal.

Thanks to every watercraft owner who drained, dried and disposed bait correctly.

— Linda Szymanski

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