Good-bye to summer, say hello to fall events

What an incredible summer it has been on Lone Lake and a great year for our lake association!

The LLPOA’s Annual Pot Luck and Meeting held on July 25 was a wonderful success.  More than 70 people attended. The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the Audubon Center of the North Woods’ presentation was memorable—especially the porcupine—and we took care of lake association updates and business. Re-elected to the board were Steve Frazier as president, Karen Frazier as treasurer, Jennifer O’Neill as communications director, and Bev Napurski as web site and social media director. Unfortunately, we did not have a candidate to be the association secretary and we have an open director position. If you can serve, please contact Steve Frazier at so the board of directors can fill open positions at its September 12th meeting.

Annual meeting attendees also received an AIS Plastic Dock Poster to remind boaters to clean, drain and dry their boats to prevent the spread of zebra mussels and other exotic species. LLPOA membership is well over 100 and if you want your AIS Poster and roster please get your membership dues of $25 to the LLPOA, P.O. Box 10, Aitkin, MN 56431. All members also will receive their Lone Lake Association membership roster to be distributed by LLPOA membership committee members this fall.

In other news, a Lake Outlet Committee was formed to deal with issues relating to lake levels, outlet drainage, and obstruction removal. There is room on the committee for a couple more lake residents, if you wish to participate. The committee’s first action was to replace the culvert that was partially blocked between Lone Lake’s outlet and Ripple Lake. LLPOA shared the cost of the project. My thanks to everyone that took part.

This Labor Day weekend you may notice AIS Boat Inspections volunteers at the public launch. For our lake’s part in the Aitkin County Boat Inspection Grant Program, we need to either pay or supply volunteer boat inspectors for 25% of the grant requirement.  This weekend is our final inspection weekend to attain our hours of inspection to fulfill our grant obligations. Become an AIS Inspector and do your part in protecting Lone Lake.

Our final event of the year will be the Fall Road Clean-up on Saturday, Sept. 12 at the swimming beach at 9 a.m.  We will have hot coffee, rolls, a photo-op and then divide into cleaning teams.  It is a fun and easy way to keep our lake area beautiful and to meet and talk with neighbors from around the lake.  Thank you for your membership and support of our lake association as we strive to enhance, protect and preserve the beauty of Lone Lake for the future.

We’ll talk again later, Steve Frazier, LLPOA President.