Hi Lone Lakers,
What a beautiful summer on Lone Lake! I know it’s tempting to spend every single minute at the lake in the summer, but we want to draw your attention to an event in downtown Aitkin that’s worth a few hours of your time. That is the Aitkin Rivers and Lakes Fair, which will be this Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It focuses on lake, environmental, and recreational topics that are critical to a healthy lake community. Please strongly consider attending it. Our lake association is a proud sponsor.
The annual event is a collaborative effort of many lake associations, area businesses and governmental entities. Many Lone Lake residents volunteer at the Rivers and Lakes Fair. We especially appreciate Steve Hughes and Janet Smude, of the Aitkin County Soil and Water Conservation District, for their leadership and organizational work. There are activities to appeal to adults and children alike.
Thank you also for your renewed membership in the LLPOA. We hope you have been contacted by one of our membership team members and received your “Clean, Drain and Dry” sign for your dock. If we missed you, please fill out the membership form at the end of the newsletter and send it and your $25 to LLPOA, P.O. Box 10, Aitkin, MN 56431.
Protecting our lake is everyone’s job! We still need boat inspectors for the 4th of July weekend, the non-holiday weekend of July 22-24 and Labor Day weekend. Contact Linda Szymanski, LLPOA AIS coordinator, at ljsatthecabin@msn.com listing the days and times that will work for you. If you are open to any day/time, please respond with this information, as well.
Finally the 4th of July Weekend is right around the corner. The annual Boat Parade will be on July 2nd at noon. We hold the parade on Saturday so that more members can take part and enjoy the parade. However, the Lone Lake Triathlon will be held on Monday, July 4th at 8:30 at the swimming beach. We’ll let you know more about it in the next newsletter. See you at the lake!
Steve Frazier, LLPOA President