Paddle Boards & Kayaks


Look over Lone Lake on a summer day and you might see ski boats pulling tubers, fishing boats criss-crossing the lake at a slow troll, and paddleboarders quietly slipping through the waves. The narrow silhouette of a paddleboarder can be difficult to spot, especially when the sun is shining in your eyes. Please watch for smaller, slower-moving craft to keep the lake a safe place for all to have fun.

Check out the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website for more information.

Paddleboarding Safety Tips
1. Always wear your life jacket.
2. Know or learn how to swim.
3. Tie a whistle onto your lifejacket in case of an emergency.
4. Paddle on a lake or a calm bay of a larger lake if you are a beginner.
5. Tell someone where you're going and when you'll be back.
6. Paddle sober. Never paddle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
7. Be aware of weather and wind conditions.
8. Paddle with a group, not alone.
9. Take a paddling skills course to learn how to self-rescue and tow another paddleboard.
10. Be aware of paddling hazards like rocks and low hanging branches.
11. Know when to wear a leash on your board.
12. In case of an emergency, bring a cell phone in a waterproof case or bag.