Hi Lone Lakers, Wasn’t the 4th of July weekend great this year? We hope you had a great time with family and friends in our beautiful weather.
LLPOA events went off without a hitch. The boat parade on Saturday, July 1st had 10 participants: the Zacharias family (Lot 136) won the speedboat decorating award; the Wagenknecht’s earned the pontoon award; and newcomers, the Feist family (Lot 105), won the dock-decorating contest. Winners will get their engraved LLPOA traveling trophies at the annual meeting. With regards to the contest, the board of directors voted at their July 9 meeting to allow anyone on the lake to compete in the contest -- even board members who have previously been omitted. They also voted to request that the contest winners be the judges for the following year’s competition, because winners cannot win two years in a row. To be a judge, you simply need to boat around the lake and pick the best speedboat, pontoon and dock - about an hour of your time.
2017 Triathlon Participants
Early July 4 we cheered on 11 contestants who participated in the 16th annual Lone Lake Triathlon. Individuals and teams swam 500 yards, biked 10 miles and ran 4 miles. Twenty-five or so people cheered them on with many event spotters present. LLPOA awarded medals to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of each category. This great event is organized and sponsored by the VanSlooten family.
Our next event is the annual meeting/potluck on Saturday, July 22 at 11 a.m. at the Preiner’s storage facility on Oak Avenue, on the north side of the lake. This year Chris Perrine of Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative will talk about the new Fiber Home Internet Project, their Right-of-Way Tree Trimming program and electrical safety. Chris’ presentation and information will virtually affect every lot on Lone Lake one way or another.
Also on Saturday LLPOA will conduct a short business meeting and members will elect LLPOA officers and directors. Up for election are president, treasurer, communications director, and three director positions. So far the incumbents have indicated that they will run again. We have one open director position to fill a vacancy. If you would like to run for an officer or director position, please let me know and I will place your name on the ballot by July 19. Board member duties include attending and actively participating in monthly meetings (approx. 2 hours) on a weekend (typically April - Oct.).
Thanks for your membership and support of the Lone Lake Property Owners Association.
Steve Frazier, LLPOA President