Welcome to spring — Finally!

Hi Lone Lake members and friends,

Steve Frazier, LLPOA President

Steve Frazier, LLPOA President

Spring has finally arrived on Lone Lake and your lake association is gearing up for another great summer. Lake ice melted on May 3. Our latest ice-off date on our records was May 11, 2013. What’s ahead for the summer? The year begins with the road clean up event on Saturday. We start at 9 a.m. at the beach for coffee, divide into teams and have a group photo. The brush has been cut and cleared so cleaning should be much easier. This is a great way to meet other lake neighbors and to help keep the environment around Lone Lake clean and beautiful. Please come and join us this year. 

Have you seen LLPOA’s new website? Go to www.LoneLake.org and be amazed. It is a wealth of information and visual stimulation, plus you can pay your dues and make donations online through PayPal. Thanks to Bev Napurski for all the work that has gone into its design and implementation.

At the final board of directors meeting last fall the board decided to have the county AIS inspectors take over the AIS Inspections for the coming summer months. The members’ survey conducted last year showed that 53 percent of you favored having Aitkin County provide this important boat inspection function. The cost is about $750 per year and provides weekly coverage throughout the spring, summer and fall boating and fishing season. If you would like to contribute funds to support AIS educational and inspection efforts, you can do so online or with your check for this year’s LLPOA membership Importantly, everyone has a role to play to keep the lake pristine. Don’t forget to inspect your boat every time you go in and out of the water. Drain all water from your watercraft (this goes for jet skis, kayaks, paddleboards, too) and dry them. This will help keep invasive species from invading our lake and spreading. Tell your friends and family who come up to visit, too.

Finally, on a sad note, we said goodbye to several of our members who passed away in the past few months. Roy andJane Carlson and Gladys Honnold were all long-timemembers of the lake association and were active in our organization over the years.They will be remembered at our annual meeting on July 21.

Thank you for your support of our lake association and we’ll see you on the lake!
- Steve Frazier