Last fall LLPOA conducted a survey of our members to get your thoughts and ideas about ongoing LLPOA events and programs. Over 65 membership households responded with answers and thoughtful comments. The feedback will guide the organization as we consider priorities, changes to date and times of events, and how to engage more people as volunteers. The complete survey results have been emailed as a separate document along with this newsletter. If you receive your Lone Lake newsletter by mail, please contact Jennifer O’Neill to request a copy of the survey results.
A few highlights:
• 53% of respondents said Aitkin County should do all boat inspections, if funds are available.
• 48% told us to keep the day/time of the annual meeting as is; 35% said we could change it to a breakfast time
• Results were mixed on changing the date and time of the Fall and Spring Road Clean-Up events. We may experiment with some new days. Stay tuned.
• Two-thirds of respondents said they would not be interested in purchasing a reprint of the Lone Lake history book, although 72% said they’d purchased a second version, if one were created. However, a majority of people would not likely volunteer to work on it.