2020 LLPOA Membership Drive

Happy Memorial weekend to all!

The LLPOA membership drive will be conducted online and through 'snail mail' this spring due to the Covid-19 virus. Lonelakers are asked to go to our website at lonelake.org, click on "Donate", then click on "Annual Dues" and follow the prompts to pay online using Pay Pal.

Prefer to write a check? Print the membership form from the website and mail your $25 check to LLPOA at P.O. Box 10, Aitkin, MN 56431 Donations to sponsor a shift for AIS Boat Inspections of $45 (or any part thereof) are appreciated.

Thank you for your membership during this month of May. (Membership drive is on now although we accept memberships at any time.) Please share this with any members you think may not have received the information.

Why join the LLPOA? What do you receive from your donation? Here are the top 11 reasons to join.....focusing on protecting Lone Lake and your investment for the future.

  1. A lake management plan that sets goals every 5 years for Water Quality, Protection from Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), Zoning and Planning, Fish and Wildlife, and Water Surface Use.

  2. Citizen Volunteer Monitoring Program on Lone Lake-measures water quality, clarity, transparency, and chemical analysis with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for 32 years.

  3. AIS Program providing summer weekend inspections to help prevent the spread of zebra mussels and other invasive plants and organisms.

  4. Timely news briefs via email to keep members informed of lake issues and events.

  5. Lake community communication through our: website, email, Facebook, and Instagram. Links to all at the bottom of this email.

  6. LLPOA Board of Directors elected by members which meet monthly, May-October to coordinate programs, grants, act on lake issues, and oversite of LLPOA Action Teams.

  7. Provide lakeshore restoration grants, workshops, and oversite of projects.

  8. Provides an LLPOA Program Calendar of activities and member events for the lake.

  9. Provides paid members with a roster of lake residents.

  10. Provides an Emergency Alert System to notify lake residents of catastrophic events.

  11. Acts as a spokesperson with the county and state on issues, grants, and legislation affecting Lone Lake.

    We thank you for your membership and flexibility this year. Let us know if you have any questions, issues, or lake worthy news to share.

We'll see you (at a social distance) on the lake!

Steve Frasier,
LLPOA president

PS-Remember, LLPOA has converted to paperless communications. Unfortunately, this may leave your neighbor out of the loop. Please help out, letting them know they need to get their email to us or printing this out for those without techie tools. Thanks!