Summertime greetings to all on the lake!
The 4th of July weekend is just around the corner and the LLPOA is planning to hold our Lone Lake Triathlon, Boat Parade, and AIS Boat Inspections at the public landing.
The Lone Lake Triathlon, organized by the VanSlooten family, will be held at 8:30 a.m. at the public beach. It features a 1/4 mile swim to Dance Hall Point and back, followed by an 11-mile bike ride north on CR 12 to 39,. The final segment is a 4-mile run southeast on CR 81, 28, and 12. Triathlon contestants can compete individually or as a team. The LLPOA awards medals to the first, second, and third place winners in the individual male and female brackets and to first, second, and third for team participants.
2019 Lone Lake Triathlon participants
Registration sign-up is prior to the event and social-distancing is required of contestants and on-lookers. Questions and more details are available by contacting Matt VanSlooten at or text/phone at 952-210-3963
The Lone Lake Boat Parade will begin at noon on Saturday, July 4th at the bay by the public landing. A traveling trophy is presented to the winners of the best-decorated speedboat, pontoon, and dock. Last year's speedboat winners, the Olmsheid family, (lot 119-new owner/members). will lead the parade east around the lake. The VanDuesen family, (lot 148-new owner.members), will act as this year's judges and photographer. All boat parade participants are asked to have a large sign with their last name and lot number to show the judges. Due to the pandemic, no candy should be thrown-out this year. Last year's dock competition winner was the Kics' family--lot 109.
With so many events being cancelled this summer, the Triathlon and LLPOA Boat Parade are fun events to get your family involved on Independence Day.
AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) boat inspections will be held at the public landing starting on Thursday, July 2 through Tuesday, July 7 from 10 am. to 7 pm.
We ask for your cooperation and that of your guests as the county Inspectors examine your boat for AIS. This has become even more vital to our lake in light of the discovery and confirmation last week of zebra mussels in nearby Farm Island Lake. Please read the accompanying article for more details. Thanks to you for telling the AIS representative that you appreciate their efforts to protect Lone Lake.
Have a safe and enjoyable beginning of summer. See you on the lake.
Steve Frasier, LLPOA President