June Tidbits for the lake


LLPOA Boat parade Saturday, July 4th. Decorate your watercraft or your dock. Join other boats in the bay by the public landing. The parade will head east around the lake beginning at noon. Be in the parade or welcome them from your dock.

Annual Lone Lake triathlon begins at 8:30 am, July 4th. Meet at the public beach to compete in the swim, bike ride, and run. Teams and individuals welcome. Registration immediately before the event. Social distancing necessary. Spectators welcome.


Struggling to maintain a healthy lakeshore? Board member Dave Scott has obtained an Aitkin County grant for assisting the property owner with their desire to keep their lakeshore healthy, strong enough to resist constant wave action, and natural. We are looking for a Lone Lake property to use as a demonstration location for a workshop on how to best maintain a healthy land/shoreline environment. Other property owners would be invited to attend the hands-on workshop, learning how to create willow-wattle and plant appropriate green plants for the location. Email lonelakepoa@gmail.com with questions or to express your interest in this opportunity.

Really good news! Dave Scott, on June 1, found the Secchi disc reading for Lone Lake to be 37.5 feet. The Secchi disc is "an opaque disk, usually white, used to gauge the transparency of water by measuring the depth at which the disk ceases to be visible from the surface". That Monday was a calm, brilliantly sunny day before any algae bloom and without much boat turbulence. Thanks to all who have removed leaves that contribute to a lower reading. Lone Lake generally has an average reading between 18-27 feet. One of the best in the county.

Membership? Once again, a thank you to those who have joined LLPOA. Our current membership list is over 60, but we await many more registrations from you during this pandemic year. Thanks for joining with others to keep our lake clean and safe for all. Save our membership volunteers some time and effort by clicking here to access the LLPOA membership page rather than coming to your cabin. We would like you to be part of the group looking out for our lake.

Another reason to be proud of your neighbors....we have the cleanest ditches around! Thanks to all who stepped up and worked Looking forward to seeing more of you September 12th for the fall event.

The loons seem to be everywhere, but where is their nest? Hopefully, they have done a great job of hiding it and soon we will see babies on the lake with their parents. Please keep an eye out for them while boating.