Photo: Petes A Rhea Johnson
Fireworks this 2021 July fourth? Please use them with intelligent safety precautions during this current dry, dry summer. Despite a bit of rain recently, in the woods and grassy areas surrounding Lone Lake the brush is extremely dry. One small glowing ember from a firework celebration could start a fire we all will regret Be smart. Choose a location without burning issues.
The LLPOA annual meeting, Saturday, July 17, 2021 is at Preiner's garage, 30353 Oak Avenue. 11:00am-1:00pm Lunch provided, nothing to bring in 2021. As LLPOA has "gone paperless". please access annual updated financial data on our website a few days before the meeting.
Warm lake water? You are correct. Dave Scott, our local lake naturalist, found the surface water temperature to be 76 degrees F just last week. Warm for June. Unfortunately, that does mean that the water clarity, recently varying between 26-35 feet, will be experiencing more "green" sooner rather than later. (Know that midweek clarity levels always are higher due to lack of traffic on the lake, less churning up of the bottom muck.) These higher temps also are hard on our resident fish.
Exposed weeds in your area? Please remember to remove only dead material (brown) from your lakeshore. Those green plants help to maintain a multitude of items and life, including keeping the sand nearby. We need these green plants to keep our lake fresh and living. The fish and all residents thank you.
Water level down on your shoreline? Measurements show that the lake has dropped 6-8 inches since ice out. We do need more rain.
Have you met a boat inspector at our landing? Aitkin County is short of inspection staff this summer so not all shifts can be covered. This is good if you are looking for part-time employment. (Contact SWCD in Aitkin.) This is really bad for our concern about AIS, Aquatic Invasive Species, especially with infected lakes such as Farm Island and Mille Lacs so close by. Remind your guests (and yourself) to check boats, wash them at the Spirit Lake landing, and allow to dry out/clean before putting in a different lake. If you purchase used lake toys or lifts, etc. from another lake, please make sure they dry out for at least a week before putting them in our lake.
The LLPOA membership drive is winding down. Of course we will be able to accept your registration at the annual meeting, July 17, but you are also able to complete it online or by mail. See the website for more details.
Community Events
July 8-10 Aitkin County Fair
August 6-7 Aitkin Riverboat Heritage Days