Thanks to Katie Talbot for the calming photo above.
Cedar Lake, Aitkin County, just miles from our lake, reported the discovery of zebra mussels in the lake last Thursday. Have YOU been there lately? Are you going there soon? Please, with the movement of any watercraft, water toy, or trailer, choose to either let the item dry out for 5-7 days or wash it thoroughly (remember there is a place to wash boats on weekends at the Spirit Lake landing). We all must be vigilant to keep AIS out of Lone Lake. Thank you for caring.
Did you known? MN DNR burn permits allow the burning of clean vegetative matter only. This means unpainted, unstained, and untreated wood and brush. If allowed at the time, leaves and grass clippings as well. Garbage burning is not allowed by DNR permits.
It harms your family’s health, pollutes air, water and soils, and in this dry season especially, causes wildfires. If burned, toxins are released which get into our food and cause serious health problems, including cancer.
This is not a new law. Household burning has been illegal in MN since 1969.
What should I do instead? Recycle, reuse, compost, chip yard waste or use a garbage service. Keep Lone Lake and Aitkin clean.
For those looking for Lone Lake gear, here is a link to many options for you….even a triathlon shirt!
Great designs available.
For a future newsletter, we are looking for facts, figures, and photos of Lone Lake in the past. If you have information or photos from the 1900’s, please share them with the LLPOA. Yes, the older the better! Email them to Thank you!
Good news: 99 LLPOA memberships for 2021. More than our pandemic year, still working towards our previous normal. If we missed you during the membership drive, please click here for the form and information. Why should you join? You are helping to keep our lake clean by supporting AIS research and posting an inspector at the landing to check boats for unwanted aquatic life. Donations are made to the local Rivers and Lakes Fair to help us all learn about our environment, other lake research, and the First Responders of Aitkin county who will be there as needed when you call 911. Just like your family, money is put aside for an emergency, most likely that time when our lake will become a part of the infected lakes of the state. How do we keep it clean? Among other things, the board and other lake residents keep an eye on the loons, water quality, depth, Secchi disk readings, and land usage. Join us in keeping your investment in a quality location. Lone Lake membership page link
Sad news for fisher people, COVID-19 altered the life for fish in our lake now and for a few years to come. The MN DNR did not stock any fish in 2020, none will be added in 2021. It could be that the next survey of fish count, size, and type will not be until 2024. Surveys with sampling often take place every five years but all bets are off as to exactly how things with happen in the next few years.
Water levels: Thankfully, we are still far from the lowest lake levels ever recorded. Rain is needed so if you know a rain dance, please share it with all. Water levels have dropped about one foot since ice out, creating issues for many residents around the lake. What water is in the lake remains clear with a Secchi disk reading of 23.5’ on Wednesday, July 15.
Aitkin Riverboat Days are coming! The city of Aitkin is celebrating 150 years with many activities, a Dump Run, and parade the weekend of August 6-7. Check the Aitkin Age for further details. Aitkin Age link