2022 Extras! Updates

Do you have …..a matching opportunity? …..Extended knowledge ready to share?

As we wind down 2022, LLPOA wonders if:

  1. Your employer has a donation program to encourage volunteering and non-profit organizations.

Medtronic sends a donation check thanks to retirees Jerry Nelson and Dave Scott. Even after their employment with Medtronic, their volunteering activates a few dollars to go to their choice of organization, and they chose LLPOA.

XCEL Energy sent dollars thanks to current employee Mark Sauerbrey.

Huge thanks to them for their additional contributions.

Does your employer or former employer have such a policy? Do you as the entrepreneur add this to your policies? If so, now may be the time to explore this opportunity. Thank you for your efforts.

2. Calling all Lone Lake property owners. The LLPOA board is looking for more and varied talents and points of view. Hours and hours not necessary. Usually 5 board meetings each year and can be a zoom/call in meeting if that works better for you.

We are all “on the lake” as that is what we enjoy. The current board has both working and retirees with the common goal of keeping our lake as wonderful as it is now for future generations. We want to represent all owners. Please consider joining us.

3. DNR information just out presents this news within 25 miles of Lone Lake.

Property owners on West Rabbit Lake contacted their lake association and posted information on social media about finding zebra mussels in the lake. A DNR invasive species specialist searched several areas of the lake and found at least one zebra mussel at each location. East Rabbit Lake, Clinker Lake and Turner Lake will also be listed for zebra mussels because they are connected to West Rabbit Lake.

“Lake property owners and lake service provider businesses can play an important role in detecting invasive species by carefully examining boats, docks and lifts when they are being removed from the water at the end of the season,” DNR Invasive Species Unit Supervisor Heidi Wolf said.

Lake property owners should carefully look for invasive species on the posts, wheels and underwater support bars of docks and lifts, as well as any parts of boats, pontoons and rafts that may have been submerged in water for an extended period.

Not good news. We need to stand together to keep our lake clean.

One last 2022 item

We are looking for input on several topics. Please watch for and respond to the short survey to come early November. Thanks!