Our fine feathered friends

Apps to help with BIRD identification

This bird doesn’t need help being identified. Photo by Lori Wolden | Lori’s Eye. Owner on Lone Lake.

Ever wonder what birds you hear while enjoying precious time relaxing at the cabin? Attached are two apps which help to identify birds based on photos or just listening to their bird songs. These apps are sponsored by Cornell University, specifically The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Audubon Society.. The data collected is used by the university to further track bird migrations and gather data on the birds locations.

Here is a link to the website on the Merlin App which can be used to identify birds based photos or the bird call. There is a video on how the app works at the below website with links to download.


The second app is ebird. This is better suited to the more serious bird watchers on the lake. There is also a video explaining how the app works and the data is used.


Share with us on an email to lonelakepoa@gmail.com some information on what birds you have identified here at the lake.

Also hoping your photographic expertise for birds can be added to our annual meeting. Send us your bird photos by July 8 to be included in our annual meeting display. Thanks!