A new Facebook page has been created based on feedback from the last owners’ survey. It was suggested we develop a Facebook page/group where members could:
Share photos
Ask questions about recent weather, electric status, etc. around the lake
Ask about service providers used or recommendation on service providers
Share information on lost/found items
Below is the information for you to use on your Facebook account to find the new group. This is a private group so new users will need to request to join and be asked a question on two. It is open to Lone Lake property owners and their friends/family.
Lone Lake Fans | Aitkin, MN | Facebook
Check it out and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
(FYI, it already works well —both a beautiful photo of the super moon and a lost ski and life jacket found their owner. Two different Lone Lake families shared their finds and both were returned to the owner, a guest at a cabin. Thanks to the honesty and effort of our lakeshore owners.)