Wagenknecht family accepting their award.
I hope you are enjoying this last bit of summer on Lone Lake!
The board welcomed myself and two new members: Barb Dusbabek (AIS team leader) and Bob Burgmeier (Director at large) and Fraz (Steve Frazier), (past president). We had an informative first meeting, including a couple of board members attending up on zoom!
(Hint…..as we continue to look for more board members to represent all points of view, know that meetings are available online as well.)
1. Road clean up September 9th, 9am at the beach! Come help keep our lake area clean, it only takes an hour. Coffee and rolls, courtesy of Paulbeck’s, will be provided : )
2. Keep our lake clean! Any visiting guests with boats or watercraft must be looked over before putting in the lake. I was shocked to hear the staggering amount it would cost to treat the lake if we got AIS : No bueno!)
Gmach-Mann family award recipient
3. Logo Contest! Submit your entry by September 15th, for an opportunity of bragging rights and one year free membership dues! (See below in newsletter)
Looking forward to picking up trash with you next month! Wear gloves-vests and bags will be provided!
Summer Smiles,
PS…..above and below photos are such a fun part of the job…..delivering the July 4 trophies to the winners of the annual LLPOA boat parade and dock competition!
Best pontoon-above- Wagenknecht family
Best boat-below-Gmach/Mann family