Want to know what happened when you were unable to make it?
Approximately 22 Lone Lake residents registered to attend the Aitkin Public Library on a rainy Saturday morning. The plan for the day had everyone joining a group to discuss how the action goals from five years ago were met and plan new action goals …..sometimes continuing goals….for the next five years. (2029 does seem further away than it really is.)
A quick summary of the five committees:
Lakeshore restoration and planting participants agreed that the previous goals had been met but the lake levels clearly determined what issues we face. Low levels these past few years have not helped previous willow wattle plants. Other options need to be researched. Keeping water clarity high is vital to our lake and perhaps more information for those coming to Lone Lake for the day should be shared with a sign at the boat landing.
Aquatic and Invasive Species participants reported that the grants available from the county have helped to remind boaters to check their boat when moving from lake to lake. With staffing questionable for the future, perhaps the landing will again need to be staffed by volunteers or LLPOA will need to pay someone to inspect boats so they are coming into our lake clean. (Discussion found many lakeshore owners’ boats stay only on Lone Lake.) Thanks to all who have donated in the past for AIS staffing. Those funds are always earmarked for only AIS use.
Zoning and Planning is working with the county to be on top of new construction on the lake. This continues to be an ongoing process with good connections with county staff a must. Disputes arise between lake residents occasionally with a need for open discussion which covers the minor issues over the past few years.
Fisheries and wildlife shared updated fish information which is in the article above. Important for neighbors to share any “meetings” with wildlife on their property and vital for all lake users to honor the need for species that use the lake as their home to be a priority for all.
Water surface use noted that already five years ago, a goal was to inform all lake residents of the many DNR rules (not suggestions) for proper lake use. It was decided this should be a continuing goal as everyone deserves to use the lake to meet their needs but to use it in a respectful manner, abiding by all MN state laws.
Thanks to those who used that rainy spring morning to look ahead for the best for all lake dwellers. Desiring more details? Email us at lonelakepoa@gmail.com
Want to help make these next five years the best ever? Email us with your proposal, thoughts, abilities and let us know what you can do to keep our lake the best.
We only stay on top with help from all.