Chatting with neighbors
Amazing free items to keep your cool…..key floaties, towels, can koozies, bait bags—all meant to remind us that Lone Lake is not yet an AIS infected lake and all of us want it that way. What is your method to help?
LLPOA activities photo summary during the past year
road clean-ups
5 year planning meeting
boat parade
annual picnic
culvert maintenance
boat landing inspections
membership drive
new member packets
sensitive wake area
shoreline maintenance
and more!
rd winners from the 2024 boat parade and dock decorating were awarded their traveling trophies to prominently display for the next year. Congratulations again to speedboat winners Dianne and Walt Weisser and family (lot 2), Cathie and Greg Pearson and family (lot 140), and decorated dock winners Judy Skoog and family, (lot 38).
AIS: Barb Dusbabek—working closely with county officials, boat inspections only on holiday wkends this year, plz remind guests to check their own watercraft going into and out of Lone Lake, use deep part of lake for boat activities.
Newsletter: Beth-Anne Rowe—always looking for experts on the lake, new info, photos, news, etc. Please send to Remember to OWN YOUR WAKE in this high water time.
Fish and Wildlife: Zint Kics—summary of DNR June fish survey and with additional news from the others, walleye fish stocking this year could include bigger fish! Culverts to Ripple Lake issues all year. Plz: need additional people to help with this exciting opportunity—-email us! (This is not a new service, has been going on for years.)
Water news: Dave Dusbabek—water clarity improved by 1” as the Secchi disc read 20”, discussion concerning lake levels, high water mark, culvert, etc. Board will do some research on this and an update will come in the newsletter when we know more.
Treasurer: Linda Szymanski—transferring to updated systems, membership drive ending soon so please use this link to join soon, additional monies in ladder savings to be ready for any large lake expense.
Secretary: Linda Kics—meeting summaries available
Land use and zoning: Steve Frazier—working with the county to make sure new construction and other lake rules are adhered to.
LLPOA board is disappointed to announce the “retirement “ of Bev Napurski from the position of all our techie needs—Fb, instagram, X, webpage, newsletter.
15 years of donated time is amazing.
THANK YOU BEV! A replacement has been found! She will announce her new role soon!
Stacy Van Slooten and Dave Dusbabek joined the current board members in a unanimous vote from those attending for the 2025 board. Always looking for more members and points of view and interests. Join us please.
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More items of interest—lead free tackle (99% of us worry about those loons)
New-Little Free Library books…bring some-take some. Lone Lake may have it’s own year round little free library soon……more to come.
Evergreens needing a home-small-(in pot)-see photo below. If in need, email us asap.
Lake levels going down slowly….need that sun in the sky for evaporation and little rain (1+ inch Saturday evening…)
Friends new and old as the “after meeting” talks lasted almost as long as the meeting.
July 2025 for the next picnic. See you then.
(Thanks Barb for securing grant $ to obtain these items.)