MPR news shared a researched article August 14, 2024 about the development of MN shorelines in the past 50 years. For a state that is focused on lake culture and a state legislature that makes many rules, how did things change so rapidly?
Some high(low) points are:
“cabin” areas are looking more like suburban communities
people wanting to build “bigger”
working from the cabin is preferred by many over working in the city
more roofs, driveways, patios and other hard surfaces (causing that rain water to often run straight into the lake, carrying soil, phosphorus, and other bad things)
rip rap rather than soft surface shorelines (doesn’t allow the necessary softer spots for animals and plants at lake’s edge
regulations not working
land owners pushing the limits
no buffer—fertilized green grass right to the shoreline
Impacts include:
phosphorus in the lake….native plant roots can be 15 feet long while much of the MN grass roots are a few inches
heavier rainfalls with climate change brings that water and phosphorus into the lake much easier
trees eliminated as cabin owners want to see the lake rip rap doesn’t allow animals to easily move from land to water…loons especially
How would you score for your property?
Lakeshore that has no development would score 100. Forest Lake, in the town of Forest Lake, scored a 37.
Try it. Click on the link, read the article, scrolling to the bottom for the survey link that asks….Are you a lake steward?
Most of us want our lake cabin to be “big enough”, have flush facilities and power, a nice view, and internet!
What are we doing to our lake by wanting all these things? Our lake has been wonderful but we are on a downward slide. Read the article and insert “LONE” into the lake finder and see how we rated in 2015. Have we improved or ???
So many reasons are possible! We need you to be a lake steward. LLPOA is looking into what we can do to encourage all of us to become purposeful lakeshore owners/stewards. Please, read the article using this link.
Please take the survey. Let’s take the next steps together to keep our lake near the top of the list for best MN lakes. You will enjoy that as will your property value!
We need your help and ideas. Let us know your thoughts as to the next steps for Lone Lake. Email at