Do your bit for Lone’s water quality: Become an Invasive Species Volunteer
LLPOA is happy to announce that it received a grant from the Aitkin County AIS Fund to hire trained inspectors to work on weekends at the Lone Lake public launch this summer. The grant stipulates that the lake association must provide volunteers for 25% of the total days being covered. This is where your support is needed. We must fill the holiday weekend slots to meet this 25% requirement. Will you volunteer for one inspection shift this summer to meet our 25% in-kind requirement Contact Linda Szymanski at
What can you do?
Aquatic invasive species still threaten, but there’s plenty we can do to keep them at bay
Spring has arrived. It is time for everyone to be thinking of aquatic invasive species and protecting Lone Lake. You may ask, “What can I do?” Below are a few steps each cabin owner can take to protect the lake this spring.
Service Providers
If you use a service provider to launch your watercraft or put your dock in, remember to ask two questions:
1) Are they a DNR certified service provider
2) have their employees have been through service provider AIS training.
If a service provider is not able to answer these questions, think twice before hiring them.
Trailer Rental / Pontoon Launch
Many users rent trailers to launch their pontoons. While the pontoon may have been out of the water all winter, do you know what lake the pontoon trailer was last in and when? If you rent a trailer to launch your pontoon, please inspect it for invasive species. An additional safety measure, take a few minutes and run the trailer through the car wash at the Aitkin Laundromat.
New/Used Lake Equipment – Boats, Docks, Lifts, Diving Platforms, Water Slides, etc.
Will you be purchasing lake equipment? If you have purchased lake equipment from a private party on another lake allow the equipment dry for two weeks before installing in the lake. Used equipment must be stored for 21 days in a dry environment before placing in the new body of water.