Welcome back to another great summer on Lone Lake. Your lake association has many activities planned for this summer that include something for everyone in your family. Time at the lake is precious and we would like you to become involved in our lake association whenever possible to help enhance, protect and preserve the beauty of Lone Lake.
The summer kicks off with several events in May with the first two happening this weekend. The Spring Road Clean-up is Sat., May 9th at 9:00am at the swimming beach. We’ll have coffee and rolls and time to meet with other lake neighbors before dividing into cleaning teams. This fun activity only takes about an hour to beautify the environment around our lake. Also it’s Fishing Opener this weekend. For the first time, thanks to an Aitkin County AIS grant, DNR-trained AIS boat inspectors will work at the public launch to check boats for compliance to Minnesota regulations. LLPOA is looking for volunteer inspectors for the other big traffic summer weekends, including the Memorial Day weekend. To help protect our lake from invasive species, please consider becoming a certified boat inspector. Plan to attend the training session on May 30th that runs roughly from 9:00am to noon (see details here). Finally, our Membership Drive starts on Memorial Day weekend. Dues are $25 this year. A LLPOA volunteer will call on you for your membership and to update the lake roster.
News about the LLPOA’s Board of Directors: They have been hard at work setting up this year’s programs and activities. They are a great group and I thank them for their service to Lone Lake. This spring Dianne and Walt Weisser retired from the board to care for family. Oh yes, they will still be involved but need to step back a bit from their leadership roles on the association. They have been great and we can never thank them enough for all that they do for our lake and our lake association. So, we have a vacancy for secretary and director’s positions. If you would like to serve please contact me at sfrazier@usjet.net and we’ll get you involved in the Lone Lake Property Owners Association. Thanks for your support, involvement and membership in the LLPOA and we’ll see you on the lake!
Steve Frazier, LLPOA President