Hi Lone Lakers,
Welcome to another wonderful summer on beautiful Lone Lake. May is a busy one: many of you are opening up your cabins and putting your docks in. The lake association has also started the year at a sprinter’s pace. Here’s an update on what’s occurred, and a heads-up for what’s ahead.
On Saturday, May 4 we held our 2019 Future of Lone Lake Planning Session at the Aitkin Library to set lake association goals for the next five years in the areas of water quality, aquatic invasive species (AIS), zoning and land use, fisheries and wildlife, and water surface use. The 18 participants worked in teams to discuss issues facing the lake and potential ways to study, correct and improve conditions around the lake. All this work will come out in our 2019 Revised Lake Management Plan to be emailed to you. Copies will also be available at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 20. Teams will also be reporting on various goals throughout the summer in the newsletter.
Your neighbors who participated in the 2019 Future of Lone Lake Planning Session
Front Row (l to r): Linda Kics, Dianne Weisser, Dean Frost, Maureen Sanford, Kathryn Engdahl, and Jerry Baker. Back Row: Bob Kosloski, Walt Weisser, Michelle Decker, Zint Kics, Linda Szymanski, Karen Frazier, Beth-Anne Rowe and Dave Scott
AIS Boat Inspections took place from May 10-12 for the Fishing Opener. These are made possible by an Aitkin County grant program, which is supported partially by member dues and Minnesota state funding.
On Saturday, May 18 please join other Lone Lake neighbors for the semi-annual Road Clean-up. We will meet at the public beach at 9 a.m. for coffee and rolls, take a group picture, and organize into cleaning teams. Our lake environment is important both on and off the lake and we all share in the commitment to keep them clean, healthy and beautiful. This is an easy and fun service project that all members of the family can take part in and great time to meet other neighbors from around the lake.
The Memorial Weekend of May 24-27 is also a big association weekend as we will start the LLPOA membership drive and also have AIS boat inspections at the boat launch. Association volunteers will start calling on their neighbors to join the lake association, distribute information and answer members’ questions and concerns. Membership dues remain at $25. Checks can be made out to LLPOA and given to the caller volunteer or mailed to the LLPOA, P.O. Box 10, Aitkin, MN 56431, or paid online at www.lonelake.org using Pay Pal for a small additional fee for the electronic transfer. Additional donations are always appreciated to fund our AIS Boat Inspection Program as we work to protect our lake now and for the future.
Thanks again for your membership and support of our lake association.
Steve Frazier, President