May 2019 was an incredibly active month for the lake association. A big thanks goes out to our dedicated volunteers and board members, and to our lake residents and friends, who keep our lovely lake clean and free of invasive aquatic species. Every single effort to prevent erosion, to inspect/dry/clean your water craft, and to practice safe and respectful boating makes a difference to our lake.
In our last News Brief, I wrote about our Future of Lone Lake Planning session, held in May, in which the participants reaffirmed our goal to enhance, protect and preserve the beauty of Lone Lake. Each team defined actions they plan to lead over the next two years. For example, we will continue to support a strong presence at the public launch to keep aquatic invasive species out of Lone Lake. We will encourage and teach people how to preserve and protect their shorelines from erosion to keep sediment from polluting the lake. And, we will make information available so people know about good practices and regulations regarding sewers and lakeshore development. These and other actions will be detailed in our updated Lake Management Strategic Plan and distributed to members later in July.
Many of our members have given generously during this year’s and past membership drives to support our AIS educational efforts and to fund county inspections at the boat launch. Thank you! To further strengthen our AIS work, the board will be re-activating the AIS Zone Team concept. Volunteers will be trained to identify AIS, and will work with their neighbors to examine vegetation on docks. If you are interested in being involved, contact Linda Szymanski (AIS Team Leader) at as we wish to get this program started this summer.
Even though the May 18 Road Clean-Up day was cool and rainy, the 15 volunteers stayed warm by enjoying hot coffee and rolls (donated by LLPOA member Mike Paulbeck, Paulbeck’s County Market) before heading out to pick up trash along Hwy. 81 and 28. Thank you volunteers for braving the elements to help keep the environment around Lone Lake beautiful! Participants included Fred Lane, Dick Preiner, Jerry Nelson, Linda and Zint Kics, Mustafa Bulut, Walt and Dianne Weisser, Peggy Bragelman, David Scott, Jennifer O’Neill, Linda Syzmanski, Jim Benda and Karen and Steve Frazier.
We also need to shout-out a big thank you to the 26 volunteers who are conducting the 2019 Membership Drive.
Membership in the LLPOA is $25. Among other things, your membership dollars support the development and dissemination of AIS and shoreline restoration information, water quality monitoring, the Lone Lake roster, sponsorship of the Aitkin Rivers and Lakes Fair, AIS inspections, and more. Our “human” environment is important, too, as your dollars also go toward making our annual meeting a sociable and fun, family-centered informative event.
You also can activate your membership online on our website using Pay Pal (click the donate button in the upper right corner) or send your check to LLPOA Box 10, Aitkin, MN 56431. Be sure to include any changes in your email or mailing address (membership form available here
Finally, I look forward to seeing you at this year’s annual meeting, which is July 20 at the Preiner property on Oak Ave. The event starts at 11 a.m. As usual, please bring a salad, main or side dish, or dessert to share. The association will provide beverages and be dishing out meat sandwiches and hot dogs.
Have a great spring on Lone Lake!
Steve Frazier, President