We had a wonderful turnout for the LLPOA meal and Annual Meeting 2022 with 55 members, family and friends attending. Stan Tekiela’s talk on ‘Backyard Birds’ was both educational and entertaining. Members asked for his contact information and it is www.naturesmart.com and he has over 200 books both for children and adult bird and animal reference books and audios for sale online. Also we would like to thank Mike and Natasha for the discount on the delicious hot dogs, brats and other items for our meal from Paulbeck’s Market.

At the meeting members re-elected: Linda Kics as Secretary, Bev Napurski as Website/Data Director, Linda Szymanski as AIS Team Leader, and Zint Kics as Fisheries & Wildlife Team Leader. Two positions remain open on the board for Director at Large and Surface Water Use Team Leader. Please contact me if you are interested in serving on the Board at sfrazierllpoa@gmail.com. Complete minutes of the meeting are attached below. Also discussed at the meeting were some issues that have developed involving Steven’s Point (north side of the narrows) swimming area that has prompted the Steven’s Point Association’s President Gino Perrozzi and LLPOA President Steve Frazier to make a joint statement to make the Steven’s Point Sand Bar a permitted swimming area but still public waters. We urge all lake residents to be good and considerate members.
To end the year there will be AIS Boat Inspections at the Public Access on Labor Day Weekend Sept. 2nd-5th and then the Fall Road Clean-up on Saturday, Sept. 12th. Thank you for your LLPOA Membership and to help enhance, protect and preserve the beauty of Lone Lake for the future.
Thanks to all for being good citizens of our lake community. We’ll see you on the lake.
Steve Frazier