What’s on the calendar?

July 4th

Enough rain and potential storms to cancel the parade. Better safe than sorry.

Hardy triathletes finish by starting early!

The Lone Lake Triathlon did start early and squeezed every drop of effort from the five contestants. Thanks to the VanSlooten family for their efforts to again organize the event. Participants included Matt VanSlooten, Hudson VanSlooten, Nic Erickson, Peter Maxwell and Dirk VanSlooten. (Soggy) hats off to all!

July 16 | 11:00 am

LLPOA Annual Meeting. The highlight is speaker Stan Tekiela sharing so much information about local birds. We again will meet at Preiner’s pole barn: 30353 Oak Avenue. No food to bring. One more year of everything for lunch provided, thanks to the delicious foods from Paulbeck’s County Market. For young children we will have a few bird and bat houses to build and take home. Please bring some leaded tackle items to exchange for items without the lead that harms so many lake area creatures. More info on the dangers of lead tackle.

Come meet new neighbors and reconnect with old friends at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The LLPOA is looking for more board members. If you have the desire and a bit of time to help keep Lone Lake a high quality lake in Aitkin County and the entire state of MN, please email lonelakepoa@gmail.com or let us know of your interest at the meeting.

Bird photos……we need more please! Send them to lonelaepoa@gmail.com or post on Facebook. Thanks!

July 30

Lakeshore maintenance/upgrade workshop. Calling all those who have participated in previous events, those who have received benefits from this Aitkin County grant, and everyone concerned about maintaining their lakeshore with the ups and downs of water levels, winds, and wakes. Best to maintain what you have before it washes into the lake. What is willow wattle?

Our demonstration site is at the Prell cabin, lot 19, 38330 297th Lane. SE side of the lake. Learn about the best native plants to use to keep your lakeshore on the shore. The more the merrier. Thank you to all!

August 6

Aitkin Riverboat Days. Parade, rides, Dump Run, all class reunion and special events. Full schedule coming soon. Visit the city for fun.🎉
